Know Your Contracts
At OCEA, it’s essential for educators to know and understand the contracts that OCEA and SDOC bargain. The contracts are under the “Union Contracts” page on the School District of Osceola County’s website.
Home > Departments > Government and Labor Relations > Labor Relations > Union Contracts
Additional information
After reviewing the contracts, look at the website’s Government and Labor Relations section. Information detailing our bargaining process is available from the School District of Osceola County.
Instructional Contract Language
Planning Time for Teachers
Teachers are entitled to daily planning time that is scheduled within the instructional day and cannot be less than 45 minutes per day...
Duty-Free Lunch for Teachers
Lunch shall be a minimum of 30 minutes per day, and 1 hour on days when students are not present...
Collaborative Planning Contract Language
Osceola Teachers, know your contract language regarding collaborative planning.
Planning Time Contract Language
OCEA receives many questions about planning time and PLT/PLC time each year. PLC/PLT are for Wednesday afternoons.
ESP Contract Language
Duty-Free Lunch for ESP
This contract section ensures all ESP employees may enjoy a duty-free lunch.