Recent Instructional Bargaining News
Cease & Desist
We believe the School Board acted wrongly and should not do it again.
Bargaining Updates
The action of the school Board circumvents our collective barga1n1ng agreement and does not provide an equitable distribution of funds to all our members and potential members
ESP Bargaining 1/20/22
An overview of the ESP bargaining session held on 1/20/22.
SDOC Responses to Latest OCEA Proposals
SDOC's response to the latest bargaining for Osceola County's ESP.
The votes are in!
Thank you for taking your personal time to count all of these votes so members and potential members had their voices heard.
Instructional Bargaining Team
- Janet Moody, Teacher Chief Negotiator
- Emily Gorentz
- Zahira Pena Andino
- Brian Kerekes
- Norine Stazko
- Ryans Calmont
- Ryan McArdell
- Dylan Reinsel
- Jamila Taylor
SDOC Bargaining Information
All bargaining information is public record. You can view the proposals online after the meeting. You can also view all of the bargaining meeting minutes online. You can also attend the meetings in person.