Teacher Resources

The Osceola County Education Association dedicates our time and resources to elevate the conditions in your working environment. We are committed to voicing your concerns and working on your behalf to overcome obstacles in the education environment.

Teacher Evaluation Information

Social Media

Reminder of the dangers of using Social Media as an educator:

  • Anything posted on Social Media is there somewhere forever.
  • Do NOT ever discuss or post situations at your work site on Social Media.
  • Do NOT friend your students, or their parents on any platform or gaming programs.
  • Only post pictures of your students with parental consent on your School’s platforms.
  • Never identify students in pictures which you post.
  • Do NOT ever send personal information or pictures to your students or their parents.
  • Educators are held to a higher standard than other professions. So do not send or post pictures of yourself which you would not share with your grandmother.

Professional Practices can and may suspend your certificate if they determine you have violated any of the above items.

Also, when texting students or their parents only use the District approved programs. Educators have been disciplined for texting students from their personal cell phone devices. DOE doesn’t care what is sent in the text message. They only look at the number of messages sent. A coach in the Panhandle lost his certificate for simply texting information about practices and important announcements from his personal phone. DOE’s decision was that he should have used the approved program for his school. ie. Remind or Class Dojo

Teacher Advice

Social Media & Protest Guidance from FEA

Social Media and Protest Legal Guidance Memorandum To: Fedrick Ingram, President and Officers Local Leaders, FEA Florida Education Association From: Kimberly Clark Menchion, Esquire General Counsel Date: June 2, 2020 Re: Social Media and Protest [...]

Google Voice – Advice from the FEA

While not approved for use by SDOC here are some guidelines from FEA for PROTECTING YOUR PRIVACY IF YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO USE GOOGLE VOICE TO CALL STUDENTS. Some schools have asked teachers to call students by phone [...]

Social Media – Advice from the FEA

SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDELINES When using social media, members should: Utilize the most secure privacy settings and check those settings often. Use a profile picture you would be proud to see on a billboard in your [...]

Texting Students – Advice from the FEA

WHY YOU SHOULD NOT TEXT YOUR STUDENTS There are many reasons why texting with students is strongly discouraged and often prohibited. The Florida Department of Education views it as inappropriate and overly familiar. Many texting cases have [...]

Personal Computers – Advice from the NEA

We do not advise anyone to use their personal computers, but... Use of Personal Computers. Generally, it is not advised that personal computers or phones be used for public business, but in situations like these, [...]

Latest News for Teachers

Planning Time for Teachers

Teachers are entitled to daily planning time that is scheduled within the instructional day and cannot be less than 45 minutes per day...

Teacher Resources

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