There are many reasons why texting with students is strongly discouraged and often prohibited. The Florida Department of Education views it as inappropriate and overly familiar. Many texting cases have ended with a lengthy suspension of the teacher’s certificate. This can happen even if parents give their consent.

Studies have shown that texting can create a false intimacy. As such, communication by text can be easily misunderstood by minor students who are still developing emotionally. The wrong tone can be assigned to your text or an unintended connotation inferred. As a teacher, you must always be mindful of keeping a professional boundary with students. Texting blurs that boundary.

  • Texting with students can also place your cell phone privacy at risk. Any text sent to a student from a personal cell phone could become part of that student’s educational record or could be subject to public records laws. Such records must be maintained in accordance with Florida law, and districts could demand to review the contents of your cell phone.
  • Check with your district to find out which district-approved communication tools are available for your use.
  • Always remember to conduct district work only on district computers or through district applications