10 min – Osceola has talent
43 min – Mr. Knoebel appointed Assistant Superintendent of School Operations
1:10 – New school board rules
1:38 – Why are ESE teachers and paras resigning?
1:42 – ESE educator’s workshop proposal. If you are interested in participating let us know. In the meantime, decide which day of the week and time you would like to meet.
1:51 – ALCO can help adults build basic language proficiency
2:10 – 2:36 School improvement plans debate
2:41 – Hurricane makeup day debate. this morning I met with Dr Pace. She doesn’t think data was collected on which job families voted for which of the two options. I asked her if she had that information because I think it would help the perception of SDOC. There might have been a much different outcome if all of the options were presented on the survey.
3:31 – SDOC investments
3:53 – How businesses are awarded contracts. Score sheet discussion.
4:10 – The search for local vendors
4:19 – Public comment on a particular contract
4:52 – Impact fees and growth
5:19 – Naming the new school
5:22 – Public comments
5:39 – December 6th executive session mentioned. Listen carefully
5:49-5:52 I am very reluctant to interrupt the meeting because I do not want to contribute to the disorder. The kids are always watching. Eventually, it dawned on me they were going to move the meeting along like I was invisible. In 20 seconds or less, I had hoped to make them understand that this is part of why teachers feel disregarded and disrespected. A quick email or phone call or text to let the members know they were thought of and some progress was made would have gone a long to way establishing trust. . . Since there has been no communication from SDOC referencing the December 6th executive session it appeared the issue was not a priority.
5:43 – It appears the school board decided during the December 6th Executive Session to communicate with OCEA
5:44 – The OCEA chief negotiator has a situation making her unavailable is partially accurate. The facts are we have other members of our team and a chain of command. The information could have been communicated.
5:46 – SDOC’s Chief Negotiator John Boyd’s statement that traditionally we do not bargain in December is accurate, however, since OCEA requested a meeting on December 8th, we expected to hear something back from SDOC leadership. At the November 1st school board meeting the SDOC leadership gave the impression this issue was a priority. There appeared to be scheduling conflicts and a desire to let the incoming school board members take part in the discussion, so December 6th was chosen for an executive session. Since there has been no communication from SDOC referencing the December 6th executive session it appeared the issue was not a priority.
5:49-5:52 I am very reluctant to interrupt the meeting because I do not want to contribute to the disorder. The kids are always watching. Eventually, it dawned on me they were going to move the meeting along like I was invisible. In 20 seconds or less, I had hoped to make them understand that this is part of why teachers feel disregarded and disrespected. A quick email or phone call or text to let the teachers know they were thought of and some progress was made would have gone a long to way establishing trust.
6:05 – Audit list January 17th at 3:00 PM
6:11 – Meeting adjourned. I appreciate the educators and community members who attended and have tremendous respect for those who endured to the end.