Latest News
Stay up-to-date on the latest news regarding OCEA, teachers, and support professionals in the School District of Osceola County.
ESP Vacancies Contract Language
Understanding the contract on vacancies in Osceola County's school district is crucial for ESPs. Learn the process and your rights!
Tell legislators to stop the attack on workers’ rights
FL Senate hears SB 1328, attacking teacher unions. Email lawmakers now! Defend educator voices, fair pay, & student resources. Act today!
Meet Your 25-26 OCEA Representatives
Meet Your 25-26 OCEA Representatives
ESE Changes for 2025-2026
With the upcoming changes to ESE next year, OCEA advocates for educators. Join now for support and resources.
Bereavement Leave for Teachers and ESP
Teachers and ESP employees may be granted bereavement leave at the Principal’s discretion.
ESP Protect Yourself from Harm
Education support professionals face unique challenges, including workplace safety. This post outlines their rights and steps to take after an incident.
Connect with Your Representatives
Join OCEA in advocating for education reform! Learn about key bills that impact teacher pay and working conditions. Get involved and make your voice heard!
OCEA Welcomes Stephanie Bermudez
OCEA Welcomes Stephanie Bermudez as our new Uni-Serv Director.
February 11, 2025 School Board Meeting
February 11, 2025 School Board Meeting
Planning Time for Teachers
Teachers are entitled to daily planning time that is scheduled within the instructional day and cannot be less than 45 minutes per day...
Duty-Free Lunch for ESP
This contract section ensures all ESP employees may enjoy a duty-free lunch.
Duty-Free Lunch for Teachers
Lunch shall be a minimum of 30 minutes per day, and 1 hour on days when students are not present...