Evaluation and certification information from the DOE
Q: How will teacher evaluations be impacted by the COVID-19 response?
A: For the 2019-2020 school year, statewide assessments have been cancelled. This cancellation will impact the ability to calculate Florida’s Value-Added Model (VAM) as well as provide statewide data that many districts use to calculate the student performance component of some annual teacher evaluations. For teachers who have not had their classroom observation completed, the implementation of instructional continuity plans may make meeting the observation requirement difficult to achieve. As a result, annual evaluations required under section 1012.34, F.S. are waived for the 2019-2020 school year. In addition, because teachers on annual contract who are on the performance salary schedule will not have evaluation results on which to base annual increases, the provisions in 1012.22, F.S. related to this requirement are waived. This gives districts the flexibility to determine how they will calculate a teachers annual salary increases locally. The determination of how districts meet the differentiated pay component will be determined locally.
Q: What steps are being taken to help teachers who are unable to complete testing requirements for teacher certification?
A: Given the current hardships that teachers, teacher candidates, and their families are facing related to COVID-19 crisis, Governor DeSantis and Commissioner Corcoran have committed to provide opportunities for anyone to meet all testing requirements for teacher certification, including General Knowledge, Professional Education and Subject Area Examinations, OR to retake examinations not previously passed, all free of charge. Effective through July 31, 2020, anyone wishing to take or retake any of the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations will have the opportunity to take any such tests free of charge. Furthermore, the deadlines to take these tests will be rolled through July 31, 2020.