• November 1st School Board Meeting Recap
  • Tonight's school board meeting educators wore red
  • Keep sharing the petition and sending emails

Tonight’s school board meeting was full of educators wearing red and speaking on behalf of teachers across the district. THANK YOU to everyone who showed up!!! Our unity, our collective voice, makes us powerful and brings HOPE to all the educators in Osceola.

…But SDOC wants to drag this process out.

They have the power to come back to the bargaining table with us at our meeting on November 17th and offer a response. Instead. tonight the board decided that they won’t meet as a board to even discuss this issue until December 6th!

We will not be deterred! As educators, we know what it means to commit to working for long-term gains. We will continue to use our voice, continue to show our support, and continue to fight for all teachers to have a livable wage!

Keep sharing the petition, keep sending emails, keep speaking to the media, and keep supporting our educators. We are in this together!!

Begin now by sharing tonight’s board meeting and news coverage!