The media coverage continues to cover our mission to increase Osceola County educator pay. Spectrum News 13 and Telemundo Channel 31 ran stories on our bargaining sessions this week.
Emily Gorentz spoke with Spectrum News 13 regarding the latest bargaining session.
Telemundo Channel 31 was at the January 17th school board meeting.
The teacher shortages continue
Teacher shortages are a growing problem in Florida. The Orlando Sentinel published an article last week titled, “Florida teacher vacancies soar to nearly 5,300 in January.” Scott Maxwell also wrote, “Florida’s Teacher shortage – the problem state leaders won’t solve.“
The National Education Association (NEA) recently published a report regarding educator shortages, titled Solving Educator Shortages by Making Public Education an Attractive and Competitive Career Path. In the information, NEA provided solutions for how to recruit and retain educators. Their recommendations include the following:
Our educators wear red for support
At the January 17th school board meeting, our members wore red to communicate that we needed more respect. The school district’s $1,000 counteroffer to our 8.7% cost of living adjustment request felt disingenuous. Our educators and students need investment in their future.