The Osceola County Education Association and The School District of Osceola County met on June 13, 2024, to continue contract negotiations. While salaries have not been agreed upon, there are two Memorandum of Understandings (MOU) which have been agreed upon that instructional staff should be aware. MOUs are not part of the contract but an extension of the contract which allows for working conditions to change temporarily.

One MOU will pay all instructional staff, classroom and non-classroom, their hourly rate of pay to work in their classrooms on one of the following dates: July 31, August 1, or August 2, 2024. This is an optional day to work for additional pay. This opportunity is being funded from The American Recovery Plan funds which must be spent before October 2024. Initially the district had offered classroom instructional personnel two days. OCEA felt this was unfair to non-classroom instructional personnel and were able to reach an agreement which allows all instructional employees the opportunity to earn one extra day of pay.

The second MOU includes an evening for Open House during the month of September for all school levels and a Report Card Conference evening in October for elementary levels.

Instructional employees will earn extra time to be used as flex time during the year. Initially the district wanted this time to be only available on workdays but has agreed through negotiations that it can take place at feasible times during the quarter. Additionally, OCEA was concerned about those without childcare, elderly care, illness, etc. While these evenings will be required, allowances will be made for those individuals who have extreme circumstances which would prevent attendance. Both OCEA and SDOC feel these evenings are important touchpoints between educators and parents that will help with student achievement.

OCEA and SDOC have reached tentative agreements on contract language as follows:

  • 4.13-3 The trainer rate of pay for the School District Instructional employees who provide professional development that the Department of Professional Development has approved in advance shall be $46 per hour or the employee’s regular hourly rate of pay, whichever is greater.
  • 7.02-3 Teachers may apply at any time and will be considered for transfers at the end of each quarter with at least a two (2) week window unless all parties mutually agree upon a time sooner. Teachers on the transfer list shall be considered first for any vacant instructional position for which they specifically apply; however, the receiving principal will make the final recommendation.

The next bargaining session is scheduled for June 26, 2024, at 9:00 am, at the transportation facility on Simpson Rd. Both parties are preparing to continue negotiations on the supplement schedule amounts and salaries for the 2024-2025 school year. Currently SDOC is offering a 3% recurring retention supplement and the $750/$1000 for performance pay. OCEA is asking for an increase in supplements, additional supplements for PLC leads and leadership positions such as the reading, math, and MTSS coaches. While the public may continue to note that other districts are able to offer more creative ways to pay veteran teachers, it is abundantly clear that counties with tax referendums can pay their employees better salaries.

School Open House MOU
Voluntary Paid Workday MOU