Did you know Evolutions Healthcare Systems is the name of our healthcare providers’ network. For questions regarding Network Providers, please contact Evolutions Member Services at 800-308-2749 or askehs@ehsppo.com and click on “Find A PROVIDER”, Type “SDOC” in the Group Name Section and click “Continue”.

Find a Provider

If your current provider isn’t in Tier 1 don’t worry, they may be able to become part of Evolutions Custom Network! All you have to do is fill out the “Nominate a Provider” form on Evolutions at this link ONLINE FORM.

Please visit the Risk & Benefits website for more Benefit information. http://www.osceolaschools.net/riskandbenefits

 This information is from the School District of Osceola County website or employee email communications. For the most up-to-date information, be sure to visit the Risk and Benefits Management page.