Education support professionals play a vital role in fostering a safe and productive learning environment. However, they often face unique challenges, including the potential for physical harm while performing their duties. It is essential for these professionals to understand their rights and the measures in place to protect them from incidents of assault or battery in the workplace. By being informed about their rights, including the ability to report incidents and seek assistance from law enforcement, education support professionals can advocate for their safety and well-being, ensuring that they can effectively support students and staff without fear of violence. Recognizing and addressing these risks is crucial for promoting a healthy, secure educational setting for everyone involved.

Recommended Steps After a Battery Incident

  • Call for help.

  • If there is blood, have the Principal’s Secretary immediately arrange for you to be seen at the Center of Employee Health.

  • Complete incident report. Always get a copy for yourself.

  • Take pictures.

  • CALL THE UNION OFFICE. 407-870-4648.

  • If you have restrictions after the incident, do report for light duty.

  • Complete forms for Workman’s Comp if needed.

  • Do pursue charges if needed.

Article II, Section C
4. Employee Assault and/ or Battery

When an employee is assaulted or battered while in the line of duty, the work site shall maintain a record of the incident. The work site shall provide a copy of all District reports to the employee as soon as possible. It is the employee’s right to notify law enforcement and pursue charges as provided under Florida law.