Every educator in Florida deserves to have a voice in their workplace, be supported and have the resources they need to provide meaningful lessons and be paid a professional salary that allows them to live in the community where they work.

Tuesday afternoon, the Senate Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability will hear a bill that takes away the educators’ voices by attacking their unions.

At a time when public education budgets are being slashed, neighborhood public schools are closing, and Florida teachers are #50 in the nation in average pay, this bill will spend millions of dollars undermining teachers even further instead of providing them the support they need and that parents want them to have.

Make no mistake- our children will face the consequences of bills that favor corporate billionaires over their right to a world class public education.

Now is the time to stand up for yourself, your colleagues, and your students by demanding that legislators stop the attack on our unions.

Email members of the Senate Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability today and tell them to oppose SB 1328.